Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Wolf Medicine

Wolf now calls the wilderness and remote areas his home, but this was not always the case. His once vast footprints stretched from through Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. Covering such an immense territory it is no wonder Wolf has been part of so many myths and stories around the world.

Although wolf lives in a pack, it is not uncommon for him to leave to hunt solo. In this time he can cover great distances looking for food. This gives wolf the power of the pathfinder. He has the stamina to go the distance and listen to his inner voice and follow his own person truth. Wolf teaches you to do the same.

Although confident alone, wolf is also a highly sociable animal. Wolf will howl to reassemble the pack and to advise others where he is and when he has found food. I still vividly remember being stopped in my tracks one chilly winter evening as I heard a pack of Arctic wolves howling for each other. The evocatively haunting sound seemed to resonate with my inner being. It felt like wolf was not only calling to his pack but calling to everyone who would listen. I sensed that wolf had wisdom to share with us all. Are you ready to hear wolf’s call?

Let the spirit of wolf resonate with you. Trust your inner teacher to guide you on your path when you are alone, just as wolf does. However he also knows when there is strength in numbers. Be open to the teachers that come into your life. Listen to other peoples words, analyse situations, embrace challenges and see what they are trying to teach you.

If a wolf has appeared to you recently, it may be trying to pass on a message related to the above information. It may appear in reality, dreams, pictures, conversations or any other form.

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