Thursday, March 15, 2012

Elephant Medicine

Wise and majestic Elephant leads her family along the well trodden routes to the next source of water, as the hot African sun drains her energy step by step. Meanwhile, in the jungles of Asia others do the same. Elephant honours the paths her grandmother once followed, the same paths her mother taught her to follow. Elephant will push over large trees to access the highest of leaves and she will squeeze deep into caves where nutrient rich salt deposits exist. She remembers this ancient knowledge of the Earth passed down from generation to generation. Elephant’s ancient wisdom has ensured her survival of the past and will continue to do so in the future. This is sacred to them. It is their means of life. Elephant wishes for you to devote your attentions to that which is important to you. Consider your health, your relationships, your pets, maybe some special possessions such as photos, books, art, trade tools or instruments.

Elephant shows great affection to her families. Elephant gives you insight into the power of the three feminine energies: child, mother and old wise woman (or crone). Elephants are one of the animals that show most signs of distress and grief at the loss of a member of the family. The matriarch (the oldest, experienced female) leads the herd on their path. She is responsible for ensuring everyone’s well being and survival and is both gentle but firm. Keeping a strong herd ensures the safety of the group, especially the young. Elephant understands the sacredness of the families and nudges you to see the same for your relationships. Do you honour those people who nourish your spirit and nurture you?

Let yourself be guided by the medicine of Elephant. She will guide you to acknowledge that which is sacred and to be grateful, for without those things, your life would not be the same.

If an elephant has appeared to you recently, it may be trying to pass on a message related to the above information. It may appear in reality, dreams, pictures, conversations or any other form.

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