Friday, October 7, 2011

Crystals for the Sacral Chakra Meditation

In a previous blog entry I covered my favourite chakra meditation using crystals. I also covered various crystals for the base chakra. Click here to link back to that entry. Let's now explore some crystals for the second chakra, usually called the sacral chakra. When it comes to locating chakras, this one can be a little tricky. Many advise it is a certain distance below the navel. However I find everyone's body is different. To locate exactly where your sacral chakra is focus on where you feel the energy when you are sexually aroused. That's where you should place the sacral chakra crystal.
Some of the crystals I find most useful are:

Carnelian: This stone can aid with eloquence. If I have something coming up where I have to put my best foot forward Carnelian is a good choice. It will give you courage and creativity is social environments.

Amber: The Greek word "electron" means amber. This is where the word "electricity" comes from. Amber has electrical properties when rubbed with a cloth, attracting lint/dust. It also has an aroma, and is warm to the touch. Amber is fossilized tree resin. As it is part of a tree amber is useful when you need to increase your own life force or energy. Amber is also used to draw sickness from the body. Mixed with turquoise, amber is reminiscent of the sun in the sky. This combination of energies may be used successfully to quiet the mind and calm the nervous system.

Copper: Copper is highly conductive of both heat and electricity. Thus if you need to speed the flow of energy in your life, copper is great to use. Copper can be used to increase the transfer of energy or messages between the physical and spiritual world.


  1. I believe your post is really awesum and helpful
    i enjoyed Angelguard and also the sacral chakra meditation
    Thanks for the tips. sacral chakra meditation

  2. A Chakra Healing Session will allow time for relaxation and calming. Time for a child to relax and calm a bit can make a beneficial difference for the health and well-being of the child.

    Ilchi Lee
