Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Crystals for the Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation

This blog entry is the third entry of a series on crystals I find useful for balancing each chakra. The base and sacral chakras (click on the words to go back to those entries) have already been covered. Next is the solar plexus chakra. To locate this chakra, imagine you are just told some horribly bad news or you get a sudden fright. Where you feel that reaction is the location of the solar plexus chakra, the regulator of the emotions and feelings of happiness and bliss. The colour associated with the solar plexus chakra is yellow. The crystals I find great for placing on this chakra for meditation are:

Citrine: I use citrine about 75% of the time when balancing the solar plexus chakra. It is a great general stone for promoting happiness, stability and well being. Beneficial for increasing self esteem.

Rutilated Quartz: Rutilated Quartz promotes healing. In fact it is believed to slow down the aging process. This crystal will also assist with creativity and obtaining higher understanding.

Pyrite: This is another healing stone that can help to balance to two hemispheres of the brain. It can be used to increase psychic ability. Due to it's gold colour, it will also promote abundance and good fortune. Cleanse pyrite in the sun before using it and periodically after.

Gold: An excellent healing stone. Increases masculine energy. Attracts prosperity


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