There are different ways to cleanse a crystal, with the most comprehensive being the seven step process outlined below. For a simpler cleanse, pick one or two of the following steps that relates to the crystal’s energy. For example cleanse moonstone under the Full Moon or aquamarine with water.
Before completing the seven step cleanse, research the crystal’s properties. Some dissolve in water, others fade under sunlight. You don’t want to loose your crystals before you start to work with it.
Now for my seven step cleanse:
1. Cleanse with earth - Bury you crystals in the earth or in salt. If you are concerned about the stone being affected, simply leave it upon the earth, preferably in nature, near a tree or sprinkle it with salt and then brush it off.
2. Cleanse with water – Providing the crystal is waterproof run the crystal through water. An ideal scenario would be to leave it at a stream for a while otherwise any other water is fine, including sea water providing it won’t damage the crystal.
3. Cleanse with air – Run your crystal through the smoke of some incense. Frankincense resin is a great choice for purification.
4. Cleanse with fire – Run the candle through the flame of a candle
5. Cleanse by moonlight - Leave your crystal out in the moonlight, ideally the Full Moon.
6. Cleanse by sunlight - Leave your crystal out in the sunlight.
7. Cleanse the crystal yourself – Finally visualise the crystal being cleansed. In your mind’s eye blast it with white light and see all the negativity vanishing, returning the crystal back to it’s pure, magical self. At this point you can also choose to charge the crystal with new energies of your current desire.