Saturday, November 26, 2011

Cleansing your crystals

Crystals are epicentres of energy from the earth. We can utilise these energies for healing, spells, protection and so much more. Just as crystals emit energies, they also attract and absorb energies. When you first acquire a new crystal it is best to cleanse them. This will remove any past, unwanted energies the crystals has absorbed from other people it came into contact with previously. It is also a good idea to periodically cleanse your crystals, especially at times when you are cleansing yourself. Another great time to cleanse all your crystals is at the time of the Full Moon.

There are different ways to cleanse a crystal, with the most comprehensive being the seven step process outlined below. For a simpler cleanse, pick one or two of the following steps that relates to the crystal’s energy. For example cleanse moonstone under the Full Moon or aquamarine with water.
Before completing the seven step cleanse, research the crystal’s properties. Some dissolve in water, others fade under sunlight. You don’t want to loose your crystals before you start to work with it.

Now for my seven step cleanse:
1. Cleanse with earth - Bury you crystals in the earth or in salt. If you are concerned about the stone being affected, simply leave it upon the earth, preferably in nature, near a tree or sprinkle it with salt and then brush it off.
2. Cleanse with water – Providing the crystal is waterproof run the crystal through water. An ideal scenario would be to leave it at a stream for a while otherwise any other water is fine, including sea water providing it won’t damage the crystal.
3. Cleanse with air – Run your crystal through the smoke of some incense. Frankincense resin is a great choice for purification.
4. Cleanse with fire – Run the candle through the flame of a candle
5. Cleanse by moonlight - Leave your crystal out in the moonlight, ideally the Full Moon.
6. Cleanse by sunlight - Leave your crystal out in the sunlight.
7. Cleanse the crystal yourself – Finally visualise the crystal being cleansed. In your mind’s eye blast it with white light and see all the negativity vanishing, returning the crystal back to it’s pure, magical self. At this point you can also choose to charge the crystal with new energies of your current desire.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Okapi Medicine

Okapi medicine is that of silent truth. By listening and not reacting, okapi shows us truth without fear.
Okapi suggests we must learn to remove our self from rigid thinking. Okapi also encourages us to meditate more. It is a time to slip through life unseen and unheard.

Tuning into okapi can also give clairvoyant abilities, for they see both the present and the near future.
The okapi’s black and white stripes are associated with spirit and form, density and light and represent polarity on the earth plane. Those who hold this medicine often carry life lessons relating to polarity.

The okapi expresses the concepts of "being different, uniqueness and individuality". This is one of the okapi's greatest gifts. It can also draw on different energies as needed making.

If the okapi has appeared to you recently, it may be trying to pass on a message related to the above information. It may appear in reality, dreams, pictures, conversations or any other form.

Crystals for the Crown Chakra Meditation

The crown chakra is the highest of the seven main chakras. Whereas the base chakra connects us to the physical, the crown chakra connects us to the spiritual. It is located at the very top of your head. The colour associated with the crown chakra is usually violet, thus crystals of this colour are purple are often used. You can also use white crystals. Here are some of my favourites:

Amethyst: This stone is a stone of peace and the greater good. It is also an excellent overall healing (on all levels). You can charge amethyst to be a protective stone, especially against psychic attack. It encourages sobriety, having a sobering effect on overindulgence of alcohol, drugs or other addictions. It calms and stimulates the mind, helping you become more focused, enhancing memory and improving motivation. Amethyst assists in remembering and understanding dreams. It relieves insomnia.

Sugilite: Sugilite helps in understanding negative circumstance by showing one what is happening, and how it is out of balance. This can be used to then understand the circumstance's greater good. Excellent tool for mediation exercises to bring the mind and spirit back into alignment.

Clear Quartz: Clear Quartz is known as the "master healer" and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. It can be used as a substitute for any other crystal if you don't have it. Place clear quartz crystals near electrical appliances such as TVs, computers, etc to absorb the electromagnetic and other subtle radiations. If you dedicate a clear quartz to this function, cleanse it each Full Moon. Be warned that clear quartz can have a very strong energising effect and if kept in your bedroom, you may struggle to sleep.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Spider Medicine

female Redback spider
Spiders are the weavers of the web of life. One myth involves deer one day asking spider why all the lines in her web looked like symbols. Spider replied that she was creating the first alphabet for humans so they could record and pass on knowledge. Deer rebutted and said humans already have pictures that they draw of their experiences. “Earth’s children are growing more complex and future generations will need to know more,” explained spider. Thus, spider has the ability to see the future and create your destiny.

Spider teaches us to do the same. Set up your life and weave your web to attract what you need. Spider also heeds a warning. Do not get distracted or caught up in the web, otherwise you may become the victim of another’s plan or simply the tangle of the web of life.

The spider’s body is the shape of the infinity (∞) symbol, being made up of a prosoma (head part) and an abdomen. Thus spider also reminds us life offers us an infinite number of choices. Their eight legs also represent the four winds of change and the four directions in the medicine wheel OR the quarters and cross quarters of a magical circle.

Click here to read the story of Arachne, The Greek Goddess who became the first spider.

If a spider has appeared to you recently, it may be trying to pass on a message related to the above information. It may appear in reality, dreams, pictures, conversations or any other form.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Fish Medicine

There is about 28,000 known species of fish in the world and just as each of the land animals have different attributes, so do those within the water. However fish overall, since they are connected to water, are concerned with the emotions and  feminine energies. Water is symbolic of the womb of life as all life originally emerged from the oceans, thus fish are associated with life-giving energies. Fish are also related to abundance and fertility.

If connecting with general fish energy the message is to tune into feminine/yin aspect in order to create the manifestation and abundance you require in your life.

Here are some popular fish and aquatic animals you may also come across and a quick summary of their medicine:

Goldfish: Peace and prosperity are on the way. Quieten your energy and be open to receive.

Koi Carp: Show great determination and your ambitions, especially in love and prosperity will flow to you.

Shark: This is a time of heightened senses when you must be wary of those around you. Connect with your ferocity when necessary.

Salmon: A great pilgrimage is ahead of you. Persistence is the key as your life in changing.

Stingray: Trust your inner guidance and stay on course.

Seahorse: Tune in to your chivalrous side. "Pull your wait" at home.

Octopus: Use your intelligence and weigh up options before making a decision.

Crab: Meditate on sensitivities. Are you being to "hard-shelled" or over sensitive?

If a fish or other aquatic animal has appeared to you recently, it may be trying to pass on a message related to the above information. It may appear in reality, dreams, pictures, conversations or any other form.

Crystals for the Third Eye Chakra Meditation

Often we hear about having a sixth sense, a knowing that comes from somewhere beyond our conscious knowledge. Often it is called our intuition, gut feeling or psychic ability. If this sense was to have a centre in the body, it would be the third eye chakra. It is located between and slightly above our "other" two eyes. Balancing the third eye chakra ensures we are able to link into our intuition, imagination, visualize, concentrate, have insight, enlightenment and have a finely tuned awareness. It will also help connection with spirit guides, angels and see auras.

Meditation while holding a crystal in your hand or placing it on the third eye is a great way to realign the chakra. Here are some of my recommended crystals:

Lapis Lazuli: This is the stone of the Gods. Popular in ancient Egypt, the stone helps connect with higher deities. It is also a good healing stone allowing you to release stress and replace it with a sense of eloquent peacefulness. Lapis Lazuli can be exchanged between lovers to signify loyalty.

Tourmalinated Quartz: A variety of Clear Quartz with naturally occurring needle-like inclusions of Black Tourmaline. This is the best crystal for giving you vivid and insightful dreams. Place it on your third eye chakra and relax before you drift of to sleep.

Azurite: The stone of the world/globe. This deep blue stone is often found with green malachite amongst it giving it the appearance of the Earth with land and sea. Use this stone when working to attune to your higher purpose in life or working on issues that affect the world as a whole.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Bear Medicine

In many traditions the bear symbolises healing. To the Ainu people of the northern islands of Japan, the bear was a mountain God. Among Finno-Ugric people the bear was God of Heaven. In India, bears are believed to prevent sickness.

The bear is also known for it's dormancy in winter. It retreats to the dark cave or den to be by itself. This is part of the bear's survival adaptations, giving them strength for the next cycle's warm weather. Resting in winter can help you to be prepared and strong for the next Spring.

If bear has come before you it may be time for you to retreat to your inner cave for a while. Go inward, reflect, rest and relax and heal yourself from the inside out.

If the bear has appeared to you recently, it may be trying to pass on a message related to the above information. It may appear in reality, dreams, pictures, conversations or any other form.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Crystals for the Throat Chakra Meditation

Communication is a key aspect in our life. Some talk too much while others struggle to be heard. We can all be guilty of hearing someone talking and not listening to them. An outlet for self expression is something we search for through our lives. All these aspects are ruled by the throat chakra.

If you are trying to locate exactly where your throat chakra is, think of the feeling you get when you are choked up with tears. That's the energy centre right there. Keeping the energy of this chakra is important as it ensures you present your true self to the world effectively. In other words,  you speak from your heart in a way that others are receptive of.

In previous posts I have discussed crystals I have found beneficial in balancing the base, sacral, solar plexus and heart chakras (click on the words to link back to those blog entries). Here are my five favourite crystals for working with the throat chakra. Meditating with the crystal on your throat or wearing it as a piece of jewellery near the throat will have beneficial effects.

Blue Lace Agate: This is a very peaceful and soothing stone. Great for promoting a way of communicating peacefully and gracefully. If you have to write a challenging letter or email, meditate with blue lace agate in preparation.

Kyanite: Kyanite is used to increase the strength and effectiveness of other crystals when they are used in conjunction. In it's own right it has a calming effect and will balance yin-yang energy very quickly. It aids communication on all levels. It can help when connecting to your spirit guides. Kyanite induces dream recall and can promote healing dreams. This is a popular stone for public speakers and performers. Some believe it will not retain negative vibrations or energy, therefore never requires cleansing.

Aquamarine: Being linked to water, this stone aids in regulating the emotions and helping you to communicate what you need to clearly. It can invoke tolerance of others and overcomes judgmentalism, giving support to those overwhelmed by responsibility. Highly protective during pregnancy, it helps to guard both mother and baby from harm. Discourages miscarriage.

Angelite: Angelite raises the state of conscious awareness. It represents peace and brotherhood. Angelite facilitates contact with your angels and spirit guides and helps to connect with your higher self. It enhances psychic healing and telepathic communication and enables astral travel and spirit journeys. Angelite will break down if it comes into contact with water, so don't take it when swimming or bathing.

Aqua Aura: This is a beautiful crystal that is part alchemy, part science, created by combining gold with clear quartz. Over 12 hours the quartz is heated up to 1600F while setting a vacuum equal to 2 earth atmospheres, then letting chemically purified gold vapors into the chamber when the temperature and vacuum are correct. This bonds the gold to the lattice of the crystal, forming a permanent bond to the surface of the quartz and giving it an electric blue color. Due to it's scientific nature it is helpful when trying to understand complex ideas. It also promotes psychic skills and due to it's gold content assists with healing and prosperity.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cat Medicine

Reverence of the cat is best known from ancient Egypt. Cats were considered to be the highest ranking animal and the Goddess devoted to them, Bast, was a popular deity. Bast reigned over cats, dawn, the rising sun, the arts, abundance, creation, civilization, dance, music, truth, lesbians and sexuality.

Cats have an engaging charisma that makes them a popular household companion. They are both friendly yet fiercely independent. Their life is on their terms. Cats teach us that we must take control of our life. Don't be reliant on others but rather independently walk your path. Your abundance is in your own hands.

Cats are also believed to be the most psychic of animals. Their eyes are very sensitive to light and thus are more equipped to see fairies, spirits, etc. Cats can help us tune in more to the spiritual realms. If cat has entered your life, it may be time to tune into your psychic abilities and engage them more for your current situation.

There is a duality about cat behaviour. They can be sedate and peaceful around the home but should there be an opportunity to play or hunt, the wild beast emerges. This is a reminder that although you may have a routine working week, there is also a need to "go wild" on weekends and have some fun.

If the cat has appeared to you recently, it may be trying to pass on a message related to the above information. It may appear in reality, dreams, pictures, conversations or any other form.