Monday, November 7, 2011

Crystals for the Throat Chakra Meditation

Communication is a key aspect in our life. Some talk too much while others struggle to be heard. We can all be guilty of hearing someone talking and not listening to them. An outlet for self expression is something we search for through our lives. All these aspects are ruled by the throat chakra.

If you are trying to locate exactly where your throat chakra is, think of the feeling you get when you are choked up with tears. That's the energy centre right there. Keeping the energy of this chakra is important as it ensures you present your true self to the world effectively. In other words,  you speak from your heart in a way that others are receptive of.

In previous posts I have discussed crystals I have found beneficial in balancing the base, sacral, solar plexus and heart chakras (click on the words to link back to those blog entries). Here are my five favourite crystals for working with the throat chakra. Meditating with the crystal on your throat or wearing it as a piece of jewellery near the throat will have beneficial effects.

Blue Lace Agate: This is a very peaceful and soothing stone. Great for promoting a way of communicating peacefully and gracefully. If you have to write a challenging letter or email, meditate with blue lace agate in preparation.

Kyanite: Kyanite is used to increase the strength and effectiveness of other crystals when they are used in conjunction. In it's own right it has a calming effect and will balance yin-yang energy very quickly. It aids communication on all levels. It can help when connecting to your spirit guides. Kyanite induces dream recall and can promote healing dreams. This is a popular stone for public speakers and performers. Some believe it will not retain negative vibrations or energy, therefore never requires cleansing.

Aquamarine: Being linked to water, this stone aids in regulating the emotions and helping you to communicate what you need to clearly. It can invoke tolerance of others and overcomes judgmentalism, giving support to those overwhelmed by responsibility. Highly protective during pregnancy, it helps to guard both mother and baby from harm. Discourages miscarriage.

Angelite: Angelite raises the state of conscious awareness. It represents peace and brotherhood. Angelite facilitates contact with your angels and spirit guides and helps to connect with your higher self. It enhances psychic healing and telepathic communication and enables astral travel and spirit journeys. Angelite will break down if it comes into contact with water, so don't take it when swimming or bathing.

Aqua Aura: This is a beautiful crystal that is part alchemy, part science, created by combining gold with clear quartz. Over 12 hours the quartz is heated up to 1600F while setting a vacuum equal to 2 earth atmospheres, then letting chemically purified gold vapors into the chamber when the temperature and vacuum are correct. This bonds the gold to the lattice of the crystal, forming a permanent bond to the surface of the quartz and giving it an electric blue color. Due to it's scientific nature it is helpful when trying to understand complex ideas. It also promotes psychic skills and due to it's gold content assists with healing and prosperity.

1 comment:

  1. This is the location of love and unconditional love. It is our ability to give and receive love. The colour is green and is located at the heart area. Ilchi Lee Books
